Surviving a treacherous whirlpool at sea, Monkey D. Luffy finds himself on a besieged ship, facing ruthless pirates. Despite his seemingly carefree appearance as a teenager, Luffy is a force to be reckoned with in battle. As a determined pirate, he relentlessly seeks the legendary One Piece treasure and the coveted title of King of the Pirates.
The former King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger, shook the world with the revelation of the location of his immense wealth before his demise, challenging all to claim it. Since then, numerous formidable pirates have ventured into perilous waters in pursuit of the elusive One Piece, only to vanish without a trace. Despite lacking a crew and a proper vessel, Luffy possesses superhuman abilities and an indomitable spirit, making him not just a formidable foe but also a source of inspiration for many.